Hanny Lihi Lieber graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, at the Visual Communications arts department (B.des) class of 1997.
When she finished her studies, she worked as a professional graphic designer in several studios and won several graphic awards. A few graphic works can be seen here.
In the years 2002 - 2016 she lived and created in the Netherlands.
Since 2016 she is back in Israel.
Her love of making jewelry as an hobby, grew more and more and therefore she decided to learn this craft professionally.The process of making jewelry, from the first step of a sketch and then sawing, filing, soldering, forging, casting and polishing, into the final item, is extremely exciting and fascinating. These art & crafts involve composition, matching colors, shapes, textures and passion. For now, she creates with silver using semi-precious stones and beads. All items are handmade with a personal touch, stylish, classic with a modern twist. Most of them are One Of A Kind.
Bilush Jewelry is the name Hanny chose for her work in dedication to her beloved mother Bilha Lieber, (1948-2008) who had a great love and admiration to arts and crafts, and specially to jewelry.

Design and photograpy by Hanny Lihi Lieber - Bilush Jewelry © All rights reserved 2021